Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tell me...fair or not?

Well, I'm on the phone with KK (aka Katie), and she's just a fussin' about how sorry a blogger I am. I told her I would probably stink at this because I'm so busy, but does she listen? Ever? I think we all know the answer to that. :) Seriously, I love my sis, dispite her many flaws. :)
Ok, ya'll tell this fair or not...? Mom, Kaitlyn and I are leaving tomorrow for Orange Beach. Guess why? So my other sister, Kim can go on a cruise with her husband Zack...we're going to babysit the children! Somehow that just doesn't seem right. Her baby is 16 months old and she's going on a cruise, complete with free baby is 4 years old, and I can count on 2 fingers how many dates I've been on in 4 years! Somethin' just ain't right about this'd I get suckered into this?
Anyway, I may be outta pocket until we get back (around the 4th of July), so don't flip out if you don't hear from me for a while (Katie). I'll try to post while I'm down there, but I ain't promisin' nothin'.
Pray for us!
Ok, ya'll tell this fair or not...? Mom, Kaitlyn and I are leaving tomorrow for Orange Beach. Guess why? So my other sister, Kim can go on a cruise with her husband Zack...we're going to babysit the children! Somehow that just doesn't seem right. Her baby is 16 months old and she's going on a cruise, complete with free baby is 4 years old, and I can count on 2 fingers how many dates I've been on in 4 years! Somethin' just ain't right about this'd I get suckered into this?
Anyway, I may be outta pocket until we get back (around the 4th of July), so don't flip out if you don't hear from me for a while (Katie). I'll try to post while I'm down there, but I ain't promisin' nothin'.
Pray for us!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Whew! I'm pooped!
Well, sorry it's been so long since I've blogged, but it's been a wild week (or two, I can't really remember). Anyway, we went down to Selma on June 8th to spend most of the week with Mom and Dad for their Family Bible Week, aka VBS. We didn't get back until the 12th. We had a good time. Kaitlyn was the only one in her class, but mom's best friend Tracy was her teacher, so she wasn't hurtin' for attention. She's like a little celebrity when we come home. My Daddy was in a skit! I couldn't believe it! Of course, Mom volunteered him for it, and he made no beans about reminding everyone of the fact, but he was really good. He played Mordecai in the story of Esther. The lady playing Esther messed up her lines at the end of the play and said that Mordecai should be hanged, well, Kaitlyn knew that her Poppa was Mordecai, and that hanging wasn't good, and you should've seen her little face! It was so funny!
Anyway, all went well with Family Bible Week. We were just all pooped. Mom helped with crafts, and did a skit herself as well. I was in shock! I took pictures to have proof of the occurance just in case no one believed me.
While we were down there, we went to "Ms. Kay's" pool to swim. One of the side affects of this crazy disease is I can't get sun...well, apparently that is wrong, cause I was a lobster by the end of the day! Went to church that night and everyone was hugging me, and saying, "hey darlin' how you doin'?" all the while just beating the snot outta my back. I'd just grin...lord that hurt. It was kinda funny though.
Ummm...let's see...came back home on the 12th, and brought Smook with us. Her real name is Meredith Chance. She and her older sister Mallory were my flower girls 12 years ago. She's now 17 years old! She went to work in my house, and lord have mercy! Cleaned out Kaitlyn's entire closet and chest of drawers and reorganized the whole thing! We had a great time, but wore ourselves out.
Mom, Dad, Kim, Zack, Jon, Mark, and Jon's friend John Ross (not to mention the 85 pound black lab, Todd) all came in Saturday afternoon. That was fun. Cricket went nuts when she saw Todd and just about ate him alive (Cricket is our 12 pound, 12 year old minature long-haired dachshund). Mark is so cute, he's walking around and just jabbering. He came straight to me and just grinned (he's my 16 month old nephew).
Anyway, it was wild trying to sleep all those people, but we had a blast, and Smook kept me from having a come-apart. All the women went to Hobby Lobby after supper at Los Tarascos and shopped a little and came home and painted. I did a big canvas for Smook's room.
Sunday, Kim, Zack, headed for Huntsville to take the two older boys to Space Camp, and the rest of us went to church and to Angeline's for lunch. Then home for naps. Kaitlyn gave Daddy and Poppa cute "handmade" tee-shirts for Father's Day. I've got pics of everything for KK to post as soon as she can.
Ok, time to fix supper. Hope you all feel caught up. Can ya'll tell I'm a little long winded? Are you sure you want me to do this?
Oh, had dentist appts. this a.m., Kait and 8 a.m. I've to two broken teeth I didn't know about (how'd I miss THAT?), and my gum is too low on one of my K9s? Anyway, he wants to do a skin graft on it. Yee ha.
Still don't have a job yet for the fall...
NOW you're caught up.
Anyway, all went well with Family Bible Week. We were just all pooped. Mom helped with crafts, and did a skit herself as well. I was in shock! I took pictures to have proof of the occurance just in case no one believed me.
While we were down there, we went to "Ms. Kay's" pool to swim. One of the side affects of this crazy disease is I can't get sun...well, apparently that is wrong, cause I was a lobster by the end of the day! Went to church that night and everyone was hugging me, and saying, "hey darlin' how you doin'?" all the while just beating the snot outta my back. I'd just grin...lord that hurt. It was kinda funny though.
Ummm...let's see...came back home on the 12th, and brought Smook with us. Her real name is Meredith Chance. She and her older sister Mallory were my flower girls 12 years ago. She's now 17 years old! She went to work in my house, and lord have mercy! Cleaned out Kaitlyn's entire closet and chest of drawers and reorganized the whole thing! We had a great time, but wore ourselves out.
Mom, Dad, Kim, Zack, Jon, Mark, and Jon's friend John Ross (not to mention the 85 pound black lab, Todd) all came in Saturday afternoon. That was fun. Cricket went nuts when she saw Todd and just about ate him alive (Cricket is our 12 pound, 12 year old minature long-haired dachshund). Mark is so cute, he's walking around and just jabbering. He came straight to me and just grinned (he's my 16 month old nephew).
Anyway, it was wild trying to sleep all those people, but we had a blast, and Smook kept me from having a come-apart. All the women went to Hobby Lobby after supper at Los Tarascos and shopped a little and came home and painted. I did a big canvas for Smook's room.
Sunday, Kim, Zack, headed for Huntsville to take the two older boys to Space Camp, and the rest of us went to church and to Angeline's for lunch. Then home for naps. Kaitlyn gave Daddy and Poppa cute "handmade" tee-shirts for Father's Day. I've got pics of everything for KK to post as soon as she can.
Ok, time to fix supper. Hope you all feel caught up. Can ya'll tell I'm a little long winded? Are you sure you want me to do this?
Oh, had dentist appts. this a.m., Kait and 8 a.m. I've to two broken teeth I didn't know about (how'd I miss THAT?), and my gum is too low on one of my K9s? Anyway, he wants to do a skin graft on it. Yee ha.
Still don't have a job yet for the fall...
NOW you're caught up.

Friday, June 6, 2008
Ok, so here's the official first "blog." Today, Gene was off (rare), so we just spent the entire day together as a family. The house is a disaster, and really needs attention, but that can wait. We slept late, and then got up, got dressed and met Gabby for breakfast at Cracker Barrel about 10:30. We had a wonderful meal, and great conversation and shopped just a little, but didn't buy anything.
Then, Gene and Kaitlyn had hair appointments with Valerie at noon, so we headed there. They got the royal treatment as usual, and Kaitlyn got all the attention she usually does. I ended up getting my hair cut too! It's way different, and really short, but it's easy, and Gene likes it, and that's all that matters anyway. After all, it's just hair, it'll grow back.
Let's see...then we came home, took a nap and got Kait dressed in her Easter dress. We took her down to Capital Park and took some pics for her 4 year old portraits. It was SUPER HOT, even at 6:30 pm! I had sweat in places I didn't even know I had! Lord have mercy!
Then we met Mike, Karen, and Hunter Wilkins at Los Tarascos for supper. Yummy! We had a blast. Laughed and laughed! Hunter is in the "girls are gross" phase (he's 7), and Kaitlyn wanted someone to talk to, play with, and most repulsively (according to Hunter), sit by. When it came time to pray and Hunter wouldn't, Kaitlyn volunteered. Well, we're all hand-holders, and so are they, but when Hunter realized that meant he was to hold Kait's hand, Oh Lord, it was hilarious! Anyway, Kaitlyn prayed, and it was really sweet. Dinner was great, and the fellowship was the best.
Then we went to Wal-Mart...what a boring life we lead when Friday night is spent at Wal-Mart. Just got a few things, mainly stuff for the bigger bathroom in the house. I'm taking it over. Don't know why it hasn't dawned on me before, but hey, I need the room!
Ok, that's enough for now. I'll try more later, but doubtful on tomorrow, gotta do the housework I skipped out on today! Hugs, love and prayers to all, Kelli.
Then, Gene and Kaitlyn had hair appointments with Valerie at noon, so we headed there. They got the royal treatment as usual, and Kaitlyn got all the attention she usually does. I ended up getting my hair cut too! It's way different, and really short, but it's easy, and Gene likes it, and that's all that matters anyway. After all, it's just hair, it'll grow back.
Let's see...then we came home, took a nap and got Kait dressed in her Easter dress. We took her down to Capital Park and took some pics for her 4 year old portraits. It was SUPER HOT, even at 6:30 pm! I had sweat in places I didn't even know I had! Lord have mercy!
Then we met Mike, Karen, and Hunter Wilkins at Los Tarascos for supper. Yummy! We had a blast. Laughed and laughed! Hunter is in the "girls are gross" phase (he's 7), and Kaitlyn wanted someone to talk to, play with, and most repulsively (according to Hunter), sit by. When it came time to pray and Hunter wouldn't, Kaitlyn volunteered. Well, we're all hand-holders, and so are they, but when Hunter realized that meant he was to hold Kait's hand, Oh Lord, it was hilarious! Anyway, Kaitlyn prayed, and it was really sweet. Dinner was great, and the fellowship was the best.
Then we went to Wal-Mart...what a boring life we lead when Friday night is spent at Wal-Mart. Just got a few things, mainly stuff for the bigger bathroom in the house. I'm taking it over. Don't know why it hasn't dawned on me before, but hey, I need the room!
Ok, that's enough for now. I'll try more later, but doubtful on tomorrow, gotta do the housework I skipped out on today! Hugs, love and prayers to all, Kelli.
My fav pic of Kait and Gene...the am after her birth...04/14/04
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